Nicholas Cueva

Nicholas Cueva (b.1983, American) is an artist and curator in Brooklyn. He has had six solo shows in NYC (This Friday or Next Friday, Fastnet, Five Myles, M.E.N., Freight+Volume and Home Gallery) and has an extensive curatorial project spanning two decades. He was featured in the documentary film "The Art of Making It" and has been an active voice in the Brooklyn art community for over a decade. Fnord. His art and curation revolves around ideas of LACK, a concept that humans inherently always feel that something is missing, and it is around this feeling that much of our social structures, including art, are built and are maintained. As a curator he has been a champion of dozens of young artists, but has also had the pleasure of curating the artwork of Daniel Dennett, Jerry Saltz and Steven Pinker. He is a High Priest in the Paratheo-Anametamystikhood of Eris Esoteric, a fourth level knight in the Universal Erisian Church (NYC), and representative at the Second Third of the Five-Sided Table of Eshu (Brooklyn Chapter).

Nicholas’s Top-10 Must-See Studios