We are a mission-driven organization advocating to keep studios affordable and sustainable long-term in Gowanus.
We seek consensus on community priorities and make the case for a community plan based on principles of social, economic, environmental, and racial justice.

We’ve made history!
Arts Gowanus negotiated a historic agreement to secure subsidized artist studios and a community arts center as part of the Gowanus Rezoning, ensuring an affordable and sustainable local arts community.
120 Subsidized Artist Studios
Our Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) provides about 120 subsidized artist studios at over a dozen development sites, with a negotiated cost dramatically below existing median artist studio prices in the area, starting at $20 per sq. ft. (per year, or $1.66 per month per sq. ft.). Arts Gowanus has allocated a studio in each building for low-income artists in the community and has initiated a fellowship program that will cover all rent costs and provide support for each fellow.
Artists can apply for a subsidized studio HERE and apply for a the fellowship program HERE
A New Community Arts Center
Arts Gowanus will also run a 2,000 sq. ft. Community Arts Center. It will serve as our headquarters, an art exhibition space, and include three residency studios. The CBA will provide the art studios and the art center in perpetuity even if the properties or future buildings are sold, creating long-term affordability for artists.
The day the deal was signed! (From left: Executive Director Johnny Thornton, Julia Ehrman of the NYC Council, President David Kutz, and Councilman Brad Lander, a huge supporter in our negotiations.
“There is a long history in New York City where artists have been pioneers in making neighborhoods cool and desirable—and then forced to leave as renewal occurs and prices rise. This landmark agreement will not allow that to happen in Gowanus.”
— David Kutz, President of Arts Gowanus
A Proud Member
Working with neighborhood advocacy groups, we ensure that the voices of community members are heard at every step of the Gowanus rezoning process.